TC-3 Traction Control Module
Racing Use Only, Not Legal for Road Use
All USA Orders Ship from New York.
The TC3 is our entry level Traction Control system. This Non Self-Learning system monitors the drive shaft speed and reacts to any sudden increase in that speed. The user can adjust the threshold of over acceleration that will cause a correction (AFR).
The Non Self-Learning TC3 is great for racers looking for a little help on the gear change, or when a stage of nitrous or boost comes in, or just wanting more consistency and lower Elapsed Times.
The TC3 is compatible with most drag racing ignitions systems and timing accessories in use today. It is also compatible with the new most EFI Systems.
The TC3 is designed for the budget minded racer who wants the same advanced technology used by top race teams around the world but does not need all of the advanced features of a Self-Learning unit.
The TC3 is a great way to started with traction control without having to buy a more expensive Self-Learning TC3-SL or TC3-SL-PRO units.
The TC3 unit can be upgraded to at any time to the more advanced units for the price difference.
Self-Learning units like the TC3-SL or TC3-SL-PRO automatically adjust to the continually changing conditions as you go down the track.